The kitten appeared unexpectedly at the entrance of a residential building, as if from nowhere. Neighbors thought she was lost, posted notices, and asked everyone around, but no one came forward. Leaving the little girl outside was unsafe, as there were many dogs around. In the end, the girl was taken to an animal shelter, where she was named Alisa. Alisa quickly adapted to her new surroundings, but no shelter can replace the warmth and comfort of a loving home, something every animal dreams of.

A Spark of Joy

Alisa is a very playful and flirtatious girl. This bright spark always shines with positivity. She easily gets along with other animals, especially with cats, and is calm around dogs, showing no problems in those relationships. Alisa is a fearless, cheerful little cat who loves to explore the world around her. She knows how to stand up for herself—she does not like any procedures and immediately starts squirming and showing her claws. However, she is easy to train, knows how to use the litter box and the scratching post perfectly. Alisa still needs to get tested for leukemia (as she had contact with an infected kitten), and if the result is negative, she can go to any family with animals. If she turns out to be a carrier, then only to families with cats that have the same condition. We hope everything will be fine, and this sunny ginger girl will be okay and find her new home with loving cat parents soon.

Become a Good Friend to Alisa

Support Alisa on social media and visit her page to help her regularly. Add her to your Favorites, and share her story with others to speed up the process of finding a family for Alisa. Remember, there are many ways to help. Along with spreading the word, support Alisa during Kitty Days, Kitty Weekdays, and Kitty Month, and help the shelter cover all the necessary expenses for this little girl.