Sandro and her little sister came to the "Nika" animal shelter when they were just tiny puppies. Days, weeks, and months passed. The sister found a new home, but Sandro remained alone. She, too, was waiting for her fateful encounter, but months turned into years, and a new owner did not appear on the horizon. The dog watched the fence of the enclosure with less fervent hope and wagged her tail with less impatience – waiting for the one who would choose her. She had come to terms with it. Ten long years flew by. Even for a human, this is a significant time, and for an animal, it’s a whole lifetime. All this time, the girl knew care, kindness, and guardianship, but not the deep, true friendship that fills life with special meaning.
A modest girl - a valued donor
Sandro is a very calm dog. She won't rush at every passerby. This esteemed lady behaves modestly and delicately. Perhaps, when the endless waiting turned into acceptance of her “shelter” status, her restraint became a form of protection. After all, it’s impossible to trust everyone forever and without results. But if she senses an open heart, sees kind hands, and recognizes a kindred spirit, she will thaw and believe in humans. Sandro is a valued donor. Her blood saves lives, and this work is worthy of respect. She deserves the owner she has long dreamed of meeting. Leisurely walks in nature, quiet evenings together, measured days… And if there is a car for trips out of town, the girl will definitely appreciate it. This little tail loves to ride! She no longer needs hustle and bustle or active games. She needs gentle love and strong friendship. The person who wants to find an intelligent, kind, and devoted companion to enrich their life with new positive emotions – look for Sandro!
Gift her friendship
She is still ready for the main meeting of her life. You can help her! Sponsor a Promotional Package for her, and many people will learn about the wonderful Sandro. Perhaps among them will be her future owner. On her page, you can find many ways to support the dog, give her gifts, and help the shelter. There is an opportunity to see the animal online, through a webcam, and get to know her better. By adding the page to your Favorites, you won't lose track of our heroine.