Pyzha is an active and very clever girl, born in the dense forest of the Krasnokamsk district. Together with five siblings, she found herself in conditions unsuitable for small creatures just before the frost...
The Perfect Friend
Pyzha is truly the life of the party. She is sociable, loves to play and have fun, and is also very smart and understanding. Pyzha will be a wonderful addition to your family, especially if there are no children younger than five years old. She will be a loyal companion and a caring friend, ready to share every moment of joy and play with you.
Help This Little One Find a Home
Pyzha would be grateful for your attention and support. It would be great if you could tell your friends about her – perhaps one of them is looking for a faithful friend right now? You can help cover her promotion costs, and we will let everyone know what a wonderful girl she is, increasing her chances of finding success. Fill her bowl through Doggy Day or Doggy Weekdays and check out the live streams on her page.