It is unknown how this little cat appeared in the entrance of the apartment building. He spent nights on welcome mats and even rode in the elevator, reminding the residents that he was still waiting for his home. Despite the pitiful meows of the cat, no living soul in the building took Matya in. But fortunately, a post was made on social media, which caught the attention of the animal shelter.

The soul of a free wanderer

Young and affectionate, Matya turned out to be a former house cat. He was named after Ma'at, the goddess of justice. This little guy is very sociable and always ready to share his thoughts about the world around him. With exquisite manners and a loud "meow," Matya will masterfully play the strings of his owner’s soul.

Matya does not tolerate threats or waving hands, but he is very energetic and playful. Be prepared for fun moments and endless love from this amazing purrer! His high sociability means he needs toys and detailed explanations of who the boss is in the house.

Make friends with Matya

Take care of this little cat by purchasing Kitty Days, Kitty Week, or even a whole Kitty Month for him. Share the story of this vocal boy on social media or sponsor an Advertising Package—let’s hope a kind heart will want to take Matya into their home.