The parents of Kai were wild cats, and they were fed by the residents of nearby houses. However, when Kai and his sister were born, the locals grew concerned. The little ones could perish without proper care. The babies were taken to an animal shelter, where they underwent the necessary medical procedures.

The selective kitty

As Kai grew up, he became a strikingly handsome boy with a magnificent tail! He quickly adjusted to his new living conditions, although some street habits lingered. Kai is cautious around unfamiliar people, but once he gets to know someone better, he becomes affectionate and playful. He melts with joy when being scratched behind the ear. He has mastered using the litter box and scratching post. He is looking for a calm family, ideally with children older than 10 years, who are open to welcoming a kitty with coronavirus.

Just like Kai, do you dislike sudden movements and loud noises?

Come meet him; Kai is waiting just for you. Save his page in your favorites on the TEDDYFOOD website to follow his life online. And to let him feel your care right now, treat him to some tasty food or sponsor an entire Kitty Week.