Baby Fabby was found on the street, all broken up. At the clinic, her little paw had to be pieced together. Fabby has endured a lot of pain, injections, and procedures. Now her paw has healed, and it’s time to find a lovely home for this sweet kitty.
Unassuming Wallflower
Fabby loves to find a cozy spot and observe what’s happening from there. Life has taught her that it’s safer to stay put rather than approach a person. She simply hasn’t learned to trust humans yet. First, she needs to get used to them, get acquainted, and believe. But once those steps are taken, Fabby transforms into a tender cuddle buddy. This delicate and fragile girl needs a loving person by her side.
Spread Kindness to Fabby
Treat this cutie to Kitty Days, Kitty Week, or even an entire Kitty Month so she can pack on some weight. Share her story on social media or sponsor an Advertising Package, so a home for this kitty can be found more quickly. Check online, admire this quiet little furball, and come meet her if you want to melt the ice in Fabby’s heart.