This boy had owners, but as he grew up, he became unwanted. It seems he suddenly got too big. The little dog started to get lost regularly. He was returned a few times, but in the end, Boss still found himself on the street. One day, he was simply not allowed back home. Since late autumn, he has been moving from one end of the city to the other, sad, good-natured, and so very lonely. In January, he was found outside a store. Boss had given up. He was buried in snow, lying still, not even trying to warm himself. The city announced an urgent fundraising campaign, and they managed to arrange for Boss to be taken into temporary care. He was rescued from the street, warmed up, and fed, and now he needs a new home.
Chief of Human Hearts
Kind-hearted, affectionate, and incredibly sweet, Boss will become a loyal friend to good people. Life on the street has left its mark: he is afraid of motorcycles, bicycles, men holding something in their hands, noisy teenagers, and drunk people. He looks at stairs and steps with caution. He gets along with dogs and is indifferent to cats. He dreams of life in a private house, warmth, and loving, caring people by his side.
Give Boss Happiness
Share the story of this lovely boy on social media or sponsor an Advertising package. The more people who hear about him, the sooner Boss will find a home. Treat this sweet bearded boy during Doggy Days, Doggy Weekdays, and Doggy Month, so he eats well. Watch the handsome fellow online and send him greetings. Come to meet him if Boss's story touches your heart.