Amadeo's story is sad and tough but has a happy ending. A girl called the shelter to report a kitten lying injured near the outskirts, not far from the border with Abkhazia. After some time, it became clear that she wouldn't bring the little one, so they started looking for someone to help. In the clinic, they discovered a severe spinal injury. Amadeo couldn't feel his hind legs. After surgery, he faced complications but miraculously recovered. Another leg surgery and a period of recovery made him completely healthy.

Amadeo is a brave and gentle soul deserving happiness. He has a serious face and a luxurious furry coat. He's a quiet homebody who craves attention. Other cats sometimes pick on him, so he prefers being alone. However, he has an abundance of love and tenderness in his heart. This sweet, shy guy dreams of a loving family where he can find comfort. He's eager to be held and purr in your arms, offering warmth and companionship. Amadeo is ready to bring lots of love to a new home and find the happiness he deserves.