The baby was hit by a car near the entrance to the shopping center. Everyone passed by and looked away, indifferent to the tiny black lump. It was only in the evening that the shelter staff managed to pick up the little one and take him to the clinic. Ragnar had a traumatic brain injury and severe stress. With such an injury, rest and additional oxygen were crucial. He was given pain relief and placed in an oxygen chamber. The kitten stoically endured all the procedures and recovered after some time. A minor, almost imperceptible coordination issue in his movements and a slight paralysis on the right side of his face remained from the injury.

He is open to human interaction, responds to affection, and is willing to be with a person around the clock. In the shelter, due to his nature and health condition, he finds it challenging. He's so quiet that he can't stand up for himself. Other cats bully him, and Ragnar can't defend himself. He's not accustomed to using his claws and teeth; he simply moves aside and sits alone. He's looking for a loving home as the only pet.