Prokhor, Saveliy, and their friends once lived in a cozy home in Karelia. However, in the summer of 2023, their owner passed away, and the man could no longer care for the animals due to health issues. It became necessary to find a new home for the cats. The rescue center evacuated and took in all the fluffy friends for rehoming.
A Tiny Timid Boy
Prokhor is a mixed-breed Thai cat, a very timid and tiny boy. He doesn’t trust people too much and prefers to keep his distance from strangers. In the rescue center, Prokhor stays close to another cat - Saveliy. They have become inseparable friends, and it would be wonderful to find a home for them together.
Be There for Him
Help this little cat find a loving family. You can do this by purchasing an Advertising Package or sharing his story on social media. The more people learn about Saveliy, the sooner he will find a home. Consider buying Kitty Days, Cat Weekdays, or Kitty Months.