A call came into the rescue center: “Help, there’s a pregnant dog about to give birth!” But instead of the future mom, Ozzy arrived at the shelter. He indeed had a big belly, but the reason was an illness – dirofilariasis. A persistent cough and the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity are some symptoms of this serious condition. The first course of treatment is behind him, and his belly has returned to its normal size, but another course of treatment is needed to make Ozzy's heart healthy.

Good-natured Charmer

Friendly and lovely, he resembles a corgi a bit. This cheerful boy is always ready to play and welcomes every person with joy. He gets along well with other animals and knows how to walk on a leash. In short, he’s a gem of a dog. Young and full of life, he dreams of running headlong into the wind, but his health holds him back. Together, we can help him.

Support Ozzy

Help him become healthy again. The medication he needs is quite expensive, so please participate in raising funds for it. Treat this adorable boy during Doggy Days, Doggy Weekdays, or Doggy Month. When Ozzy recovers, he will need a family. Take a look; perhaps he could be your very best friend.