Pets with an Emergency mark need your help. Choose the sum to refill the money-box.
What will the money go for: The money will be used for emergencies and the food for the most hungry pets. In the middle of the month we will send you a report showing which pets were helpedshow
Nicole found herself on the streets after being abandoned by her owner. After this, she stopped trusting people, and when she injured her paw, she wouldn't let anyone near her.
One day a shelter worker passing by saw an emaciated dog that was crossing the road, dragging her hind legs. It looked like she had been hit by a car sometime ago.
Jamala was found by a kind-hearted stranger. Hit by a car, this little dog was dragging her hind legs, trying to get away from the scary place as far as possible.
The more people know about the pet - the faster the pet will find loving forever home. Pay for promotional package Standard and information about the pet will be placed in the Internet.
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