Kasim arrived at the animal shelter with six adopted kittens. The girl lived on the streets in a private sector of the suburbs of Saint Petersburg. Sometimes she received food from kind-hearted people and a bit of attention. Then suddenly, six kittens were dropped off, and Kasim became their foster mother. Just before winter, handling such a responsibility would have been difficult. Fortunately, this newly formed family was taken to the shelter. The kittens were quickly adopted, but Kasim still hasn’t found a home. The street "gifted" her a whole bouquet of infections, which were successfully treated, and a complication in the form of myocarditis - heart issues. This little girl needs constant health monitoring and a bit more attention than other animals.
Give hope
Kasim is a bit timid; she doesn’t fully trust people yet and is not very fond of the medical procedures she has had to undergo. However, she is not aggressive at all. As she gradually gets to know people, she begins to trust them and enjoys being petted and cuddled. Kasim gets along well with other animals and could happily go to a family with responsible children and non-aggressive pets. She has already adapted to a routine, knows how to use the litter box perfectly, and enjoys her scratching post. If you take on the responsibility of caring for Kasim, her gratitude and love will be immeasurable.
How to help Kasim?
Check out the live stream to admire the beautiful Kasim. Be sure to support this little one with your attention – help pay for her advertisement to give her a better chance of finding a home and family. Support Kitty Days, Kitty Weekdays, and Kitty Months so she won't lack for anything. Also, help the animal shelter care for Kasim's health by covering necessary medical expenses. To keep Kasim's page easily accessible, just add it to your Favorites.