Grey and his little brother were found by a volunteer from the animal shelter in the spring. Their mother cat led the kittens out from the basement, where they were playing dangerously close to the road. Of course, this was very unsafe for the little ones. Realizing they couldn't be left there, the volunteer brought them to the shelter.

Wild Happiness

Grey's brother has already found his forever home, but our hero is still at the shelter looking for a family. Unsocial and timid, he requires patience and understanding from his future owners. Grey does not show strong trust in people, but he gets along wonderfully with other animals. This grey ray of cat happiness would be happy to add a spark of life to someone’s quiet corner at home.

Be a Friend to Grey

Purchase Kitty Days, Cat Weekdays, or Kitty Months, so that the boy has good meals. Share the story of this handsome boy on social media or pay for an Advertising Package to help find him a new owner. Watch Grey online to support him, or come by to meet and befriend him.