The story of Gavryusha is as sad as that of many stray kittens in St. Petersburg: he was born in a basement and fell ill with rhinotracheitis. His life might have ended on a cold winter day if it weren’t for a kind-hearted woman who noticed him and his brother and took them in for temporary care. The kittens recovered, but the treatment took some time, and they grew into handsome cats. His brother found a home, while Gavryusha is still waiting for his special person.

A splendid gentleman

Gavryusha, dressed in his black and white suit, embodies elegance and dignity. Although, deep down, he is a little shy. He hisses at strangers and is still wary of humans, but he seeks gentle strokes and presents his soft sides for petting. With each passing day, this handsome boy with a ringed tail is becoming more and more drawn to people: he greets and sees them off, rubs against them, and purrs when petted. Gavryusha gets along wonderfully with other cats. If given a little time to adapt, he will become a true treasure. Gavryusha has a small white spot over his right eye, and the veterinarians are keeping an eye on it. But he sees perfectly well and leads an active, fulfilling life! We are looking for serious and patient owners who will make Gavryusha a beloved family member and grant him the time he needs to adapt. He would happily move to a new home, preferably with a family without small children, as he is quite timid and dislikes loud noises.

How to support Gavryusha

Come check out Gavryusha’s live stream and get to know this lovely cat. Share his story with your friends online and consider funding an advertising package. We will target it to the right audience, and Gavryusha will have a better chance of finding a new home. Support Gavryusha through Kitty Days, Cat Weekdays, and Kitty Month, and help the shelter cover the necessary expenses for him.