Brad and his brother were born on the grounds of an industrial enterprise. The owners decided that the puppies did not belong there, packed the little ones in a bag, and threw them into a ditch filled with sewage. Gradually, melting water began to fill the ditch, and the two puppies were on the brink of death. Fortunately, volunteers discovered them just in time. Thus, the little ones found themselves in an animal shelter for homeless animals.

A good-hearted strong boy

Brad is a gentle and playful boy. He loves active games and responds with joy to affection and attentive care. He is a bit cautious around unfamiliar people. But once he realizes that he is safe, he snuggles up and eagerly awaits hugs. "A strong boy with the soul of a child," say the shelter staff about him. He understands commands and enjoys long walks. He is looking for a family that will welcome an active young boy into their home.

Want to help care for Brad?

He currently has few guardians, and you can become one of them. Save his page in your favorites on the TEDDYFOOD website to keep an eye on Brad's life whenever you like. Or help by covering the costs of advertising so that more people learn about the lives of animals in the shelter, so these furry animals will find their homes sooner.