The story of Billy is quite a journey. As a tiny kitten, he was rescued from a basement along with his brother and sister, where the little ones managed to catch rhinotracheitis and ringworm. The illnesses were treated, leaving him with a slightly cloudy left eye as a reminder. This doesn’t bother him at all, as he sees perfectly fine with that eye! Billy’s hardships didn’t end there. He was found to have a hernia that needed urgent stitching. Unfortunately, due to ongoing treatment, Billy was never adopted, and his entire childhood was spent in the animal shelter. Then came another challenge—his belly began to swell. An ultrasound and necessary tests confirmed he had viral peritonitis of the effusive form. Treatment started right away, and it has been helping him well. After a week on special medication, the effusion went down, which is a very good sign! Currently, Billy remains under observation and needs to visit the clinic regularly for control blood tests and ultrasounds. Other than that, he is quite ready for a home life.
Warrior of Light
Looking at the mischievous and slightly naughty Billy, it’s hard to believe he has faced so many challenges in his life. Playful and cheerful, just like any teenager, Billy always tries to be ahead of the game. He easily finds joy in different activities, being very active and curious. This little boy quickly got the hang of the litter box and scratching post, is very approachable, and gets along wonderfully with people. This handsome little grey cat is ready to settle down, become a home buddy, and share his love and loyalty with those who choose him. It’s crucial that Billy finds a caring family who won’t let him down, will keep an eye on his health, and take good care of this sweet boy. In return, he will try to add vibrant colors to their lives!
How to Help Billy?
The brave fighter Billy is in great need of your support. Share his story on social media and help cover his promotion expenses. This will help him find even more friends and give him a chance to find a new home and loving owners. You can also help Billy financially, treat him to delicious Kitty Days, Kitty Weekdays, and Kitty Month, and support necessary fundraising for this lovely boy.