Since his birth, Barsik has only known the streets, where every day was a struggle for survival. His mother cat taught him to be cautious, trust no one, and defend himself if someone approaches. But in the autumn, their family ended up at a rescue center, and now Barsik has the chance to learn that humans are not a danger, but friends.
With hope in his eyes
Barsik still hisses at people—not because he wants to harm, but because he is scared. He does not know what affection is, but deep down, he wants to understand it. Barsik is litter trained and familiar with a scratching post; he is curious and clever. Of course, he would feel more at ease moving to a new home with his mom, Musya, but even if he has to take this step alone, he will manage. The main thing is to find someone who will be ready to give this little one the time to open up.
Give Barsik a chance at a home
This fluffy boy is ready to become part of a family, even if not immediately. Share his story on TEDDYFOOD with friends, help him find a home, or support his stay at the rescue center. Kitty Day, Kitty Week, Kitty Month—any help brings him closer to his dream!