In the summer of 2019, the truth about a true concentration camp for stray animals came to light—an infamous black shelter. A lady was in charge of this establishment, hiding her inhumane activities under the guise of caring for animals. Scared, hungry, and neglected cats were taken away by volunteers who did everything they could to bring them back to life. One of the rescued kittens was Barmahlot.
"It seems like it's fine that they're around, but I'd rather they kept their distance," thinks Barmahlot about people.
Time heals, but Barmahlot has not yet fully formed his attitude towards humans. This is not surprising, given his terrible past. He has a fickle character; sometimes he seeks affection and attention, while other times he might give a light bite and run off to play with his four-legged companions, running, jumping, or hunting for toys together. Barmahlot is never idle. After all, there is so much interesting around! He has easily mastered the litter box and the scratching post. Barmahlot has been diagnosed with viral leukemia and is looking for a family where there are other cats with leukemia or where he can be the only cat.
Interested in Barmahlot's unusual fate?
Share his story on social media or contribute to advertising on the TEDDYFOOD website. With your help, more people will learn about the lives of animals in the shelter. This way, Barmahlot and his four-legged friends will find their home sooner.