Arya, along with her three brothers, ended up in the shelter from the streets. Born to a stray cat, the kittens arrived weak and with sick eyes. They needed treatment and time to regain their strength. Arya's brothers found homes in the same year, but Arya lingered in the shelter and went almost unnoticed by followers.
Initially slow to gain weight and recover compared to the boys, Arya evaded the camera before. However, now she has grown, strengthened, and transformed into a stately beauty. She is ready to pose for the camera, just hoping to be noticed and taken into the best family in the world!

Arya, the gentle girl, is ready to become a part of a family and, once she adapts, will be the most affectionate kitty in the world. She just needs a little time. Neat and tidy, using the litter box and scratching post perfectly, Arya won't cause any household problems. She will gladly accept your attention and care, offering in return her most precious gifts – love and loyalty.