The little cat, as dark as night with amber bead-like eyes, was once a domestic pet. However, she was unable to get along with the owner's dog and eventually ended up in an animal shelter.
A charming little hissing girl
Despite all her challenges, Amira has remained a gentle, curious, and playful cat. Her eyes shine with the reflection of her inner kindness and her longing to find her place in the world. Although she currently doesn't get along with other cats and hisses at them, there is tenderness and a desire to find her person hidden in her heart.
Be a friend to Amira
Help this lovely cat find her home. Share her story on social media or contribute to the advertising on the TEDDYFOOD website so that more people learn about the lives of animals in the shelter. This way, Amira and her friends will have a better chance of finding a family and receiving that cherished “Already Home” tag.