Two cats and two kittens arrived at the animal shelter for sterilization as part of a capture program. The thought of sending the kittens back to the street was unbearable. Everyone found a home except for Alisa.
Shy girl
This wary girl is cautious and afraid of people, but she is making progress. She has started to allow gentle strokes. She would thrive in a family with loving and patient people who can give her the time she needs to adjust. Then, like magic, this modest girl will transform into a cozy cuddler.
Give Alisa a chance at happiness
Help us find the kindest hands for her. You can support this by purchasing a Promotion Package or sharing her story on social media. Treat her to Kitty Days, Kitty Week, or even an entire Kitty Month. Check in online to see how our ginger girl is doing. Come and meet her if you'd like to warm her heart.