Animal's Shelter Location: «Samara animal shelter "Hope"» since 27 April 2019
Animal's Shelter Location: «Samara animal shelter "Hope"» since 27 April 2019
Feeding pet
Feed pet with delicious high-quality cat food and watch online how the pet enjoys the meal between 1pm and 3pm.
One Kitty Week for this pet includes:
Cure pet
Improve the life of the pet by taking part in financing the sterilization.
Help this pet to get rid of the fleas by paying for “Stronghold” anti-flea treatment.
Help this pet to get rid of the worms by paying for "Tsestal" vermicide treatment.
We are raising money for Lesya to buy her 2 collars with pheromones. One collar releases pheromones for up to 30 days. The cat is a bit wild so it is difficult to treat her and find a home for her. And the SenTRY collar was recommended by the vet.
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