Pets with an Emergency mark need your help. Choose the sum to refill the money-box.
What will the money go for: The money will be used for emergencies and the food for the most hungry pets. In the middle of the month we will send you a report showing which pets were helpedshow
Allochka, a cat with a big heart, came to the shelter with her kittens. Her kittens quickly found their homes, but their mom is still looking for her owner.
Fluffy Caesar bears a proud name of a conqueror, but at heart, he's just a kind little cloud. Caesar is ready to bring happiness to your life right now!
Perhaps, a car hit him. In pain and fear, the cat crawled into the bushes, but when he realized things were dire, he mustered his last bit of strength and reached out to humans.
The more people know about the pet - the faster the pet will find loving forever home. Pay for promotional package Standard and information about the pet will be placed in the Internet.
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