Animal's Shelter Location: «Samara animal shelter "Hope"» since 16 February 2013
Animal's Shelter Location: «Samara animal shelter "Hope"» since 16 February 2013
Feeding pet
Buy one Doggy Day for this pet and it will get a daily ration of dog food and will be advertised on Yandex ads.
One Doggy Week for this pet includes:
-daily ration of dog food for 7 days
-one additional walk to help with socialization
-we will advertise this pet on Yandex ads which would increase adoption chances
Если у вас уже есть аккаунт на сайте, при заказе карты укажите почту, на которую он зарегистрирован. Посмотреть и изменить почту можно в разделе "Мои данные" в личном кабинете.