Chessi, her doggy brother Chappy, and sister Chara were born to a pet dog. For some unknown reason, they ended up abandoned on the street. It’s tough for little ones to survive outside when the cold sets in and finding food becomes more challenging. Fortunately, the pups caught the attention of a volunteer and found their way to an animal shelter.

A loving doggo 

Chessi loves long walks where she can interact and bond with people. She is friendly towards other furry residents of the shelter. Chessi's biggest wish is to stay close to her human for as long as possible. She would fit well into any family, including those with children and other animals. Walks on a leash are preferred.

Do you like the affectionate Chessi?

Come meet her; Chessi will be happy to make new friends. To help Chessi find her forever home sooner, please share her story with friends on social media, so more people learn about the lives of animals in the shelter. You can also assist with promoting her on the TEDDYFOOD website, so that both Chessi, her brother Chappy, and sister Chara can soon receive the cherished “Already Home” badge.