Treat this pet with this high quality delicious cat food and then watch online as the pet enjoys the meal.
One Kitty Day for this pet includes:
ration of cat food
daily cat litter refill and cage disinfection
One Kitty Week for this pet includes:
Give toys
Cure pet
The more people know about the pet - the faster the pet will find loving forever home. Pay for promotional package Mini and information about the pet will be placed in the Internet. Expense report is available in pet’s card.
The more people know about the pet - the faster the pet will find loving forever home. Pay for promotional package Standard and information about the pet will be placed in the Internet.
The more people know about the pet - the faster the pet will find loving forever home. Pay for promotional package Maxi and information about the pet will be placed in the Internet. Expense report is available in pet’s card.
Package Maxi includes advertising in Google Adwords for about 3 days.
Если у вас уже есть аккаунт на сайте, при заказе карты укажите почту, на которую он зарегистрирован. Посмотреть и изменить почту можно в разделе "Мои данные" в личном кабинете.